Thanks to a good friend of mine and her fantastic blog, i am feeling inspired to start keeping mine up again.. I have had this for so long and only ever update every few months on average. I won't give you false promises that i am going to keep it up everyday because if you know me, well then you know me! As for now though i am feeling a need to get some creative energy out one way or another and for the moment this is it!
Zeke - We are currently getting geared up for preschool, as of right now the details are all still a little up in the air, we would really really like to send him to Harbor Light, however it's a pretty pricey school for us so we are applying for scholarships and praying that it all works out! He is such an amazing little boy and he makes me smile constantly! He's at a point now where he is starting to make more witty conversation and his imagination is incredible (as i believe it has always been, but now he can better include others) I am amazed at how fast he is growing up, and so proud of the little guy that he is becoming.
Kiah - Little man is just days away from walking at 10months old this week. He cruises around the house on his tractor and takes off if you only hold his hands. Long gone are the days of feeding him
babyfood of any kind, he only wants what he can feed himself! So i am trying to be as creative as possible in making sure that he is getting everything he needs.. Last night we made some soup with
potatoes, carrots, peas, garlic, barley & chicken broth that he LOVED! I was not a huge fan of the mess but when he enjoys something so much it makes dealing with that part
alot easier!
As for Chris and I we are madly in love with
each other and our
family :)
I have really been feeling the need to get creative lately but i tend to put all that aside for the summer, i don't know why i guess i would rather just be at the beach! I am currently starting work on my very first quilt though and i am very excited about that. I'll keep you updated with pics as soon as i get started! The second project is a game board. It's a game called Texas Bingo that i learned at a girls night a while ago, i guess it's not something you can buy in stores but an awesome friend of mine got the things for a
game board for herself and picked up an extra set for me, now i just need to make it! I think
that's a good idea for my next blog!
Until tomorrow (or the day/week after ;)